Oronogo Board accepts low bid to replace sewage collection line
Construction of a larger sanitary sewer line on the east side of Oronogo connecting to a lift station on Ivy Road was approved Monday by the Board of Aldermen.
Eric DeGruson, with Allgeier, Martin and Associates, recommended the board accept the lowest of three bids for the project, which was $212,126. It was submitted by Justin Best Construction, of Rich Hill.
The new line will replace an existing line that is too small to keep up with new home construction on the east side of town.
Jasper County is dealing with a storm water issue that affects Oronogo by replacing an undersized culvert under County Road 215. The culvert is just to the north of the Greystone subdivision and water running through it is detained with a pond constructed by the city to prevent flooding.
The board approved the donation of a small amount of city owned property as right of way needed for the larger culvert.
The board authorized taking out a loan from Southwest Missouri Bank in the amount of $25,150 to finance the purchase of a new police SUV. Under the agreement, the city will make four annual payments of $6,784 starting July 1, 2022. At 3.7%, the total interest cost will be $1,985.
Two performance bonds, guaranteeing construction of streets and sidewalks to the city’s satisfaction in the fourth phase (lots 78-99) in the Greystone II addition were approved.
One guarantees Schuber Mitchell Homes will construct the streets and the other guarantees that the sidewalks will be built.
Meanwhile, the firm can start constructing houses on lots 78-99 before the final plat is approved.
Anderson Engineering estimates the cost of the streets will be $261,000 and the cost of the sidewalks will be $45,642.
In other action:
• Police Chief Steven Weaver received permission to have a $750 analysis done on how much it would cost the city to join the Missouri LAGERS retirement plan.
• Approved an amendment to the code book prohibiting non-operating motor vehicles in public view. City Attorney Derek Snyder said he was surprised when Weaver brought it to his attention that the section wasn’t already included in the code.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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