The information table at the market is where WIC participants increase the amount they can spend for healthy food.
Market’s WIC program gets boost from two grants
The Webb City Farmers Market’s fund to increase the spending power of Women and Infant Children participants got two big boosts this month from organizations that give grants to finance worthy projects.
The market was one of 44 area nonprofits whose grant applications have been selected for funding with grants from the W.R. Corley Memorial Trust.
Market manager Rachael Lynch was gratified when she received notification that the application she submitted requesting $5,000 was fully funded.
This is the third round of Corley Memorial grants. W.R. “Bob” Corley, who passed away in 2019, was a lifelong area resident and entrepreneur who supported many area charities and institutions while he was living. Now his perpetual trust continues his generosity by providing financial support to area nonprofit organizations, particularly those which assist the homeless and disadvantaged populations.
This year the distribution committee awarded $246,962 in grants to the 44 nonprofits selected from a pool of 70 applicants.
“We are confident Bob would be proud of each of these organizations and the much needed services they provide to our neighbors,” said Chuck Brown, senior vice president and trust officer at Southwest Missouri Bank.
Officials from the local Sparklight office delivered a $4,000 check to the market on Tuesday, June 14, to support the WIC program.
The market is one of 29 organizations in 14 states receiving grants this spring from Cable One and its family of brands, including Sparklight.
Through its Charitable Giving Fund, CableOne/Sparklight annually awards $200,000 in grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in the areas it serves.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, known as WIC, is a federal assistance program that provides an EBT card monthly to those who sign up for the program and meet the requirements.
The Corley and Sparklight grants will allow the market to continue increasing the buying power of WIC participants when they purchase healthy food at the market.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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