Northwest annexation requested for new housing development

Bob Foos

The Webb City Council on Monday accepted first reading of a council bill annexing 38.7 acres on the north end of Madison Street.

Mads Gisselbaek, of MTG Property Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz., was not present for the public hearing (at which nobody spoke), but City Administrator Carl Francis said Gisselbaek expects to build houses on the property.

In fact, another council bill classifying the property as R-1 (single family residential) was also accepted on first reading.

The property is on the west side of Madison Street between the Stadium View subdivision and Center Creek 201 Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Debbie Darby (4th Ward) asked about the impact of additional housing in respect to the water supply.

Francis acknowledged that’s a concern but not a reason to limit development at this point.

Jim Dawson (4th Ward) said increased development reinforces the need to increase the city’s water supply so it isn’t dependent on purchasing water from Missouri American Water.

The city is currently putting an unused well beneath the main water tower back in use. And Francis is proposing a tower in the northwest portion of the city to increase water pressure along with a new well on the northeast side of town.


Just because they say they’re flushable…

The council approved the purchase of three bar-screen baskets to capture wipes and rags before they enter lift stations.

Household wipes pose a problem for sewer systems nationwide.

Despite packaging claims that the wipes are flushable, Mayor Lynn Ragsdale said “we all know they’re not.”

William Runkle, wastewater director, recommended the purchase of the three bar-screen baskets with rails from Stewart Concrete, of Webb City, at a cost of $14,526 and $3,000 for additional material for installation.

The three lift stations are in the Centennial Retail/Industrial Park, Walnut Ridge subdivision and on Tracy Street.

Runkle reported that disposable wipes and other rags and trash clog lift station pumps and even burn them up. Replacing a pump can cost from $5,000 to $12,000.

He said the best solution is to capture the wipes and rags before they enter the lift station and pumps.

Sealing lift stations and manholes

Those same three lift stations are also being targeted for allowing storm water tainted with zinc enter the sewer system.

The council approved a $72,500 bid from Midwest Infrastructure Coatings to seal the lift stations’ wet well seams and pipe inlets.

The company will also seal the interior of several manholes. Runkle said 17 manholes need to be sealed. He said he is confident the Obic polyurea coating will be long lasting. It is warranted for 10 years and expected to last up to 50 years.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources requires Webb City to be persistent in limiting the amount of zinc that flows through the sewage treatment plant into Center Creek.

In other action, the council:

• Approved second reading of an ordinance renewing the franchise agreement for Spire to provide natural gas within the city. The franchise fee Spire pays the city remains the same, 5% of annual gross receipts.

• Reviewed sales tax reports. Sales tax collections are about even compared to last year, but the use tax is bringing in 19% more than a year ago.

• Heard Francis report that construction of Tee Time, the golf, pickleball and chicken facility at Daugherty and East streets is now “full speed ahead.”

• Recognized Erin Turner, community development director, and the parks department staff for making the July 14-15 Route 66 Cruise-A-Palooza festival a big success. Ragsdale, a nearby resident, said he’d like fireworks to be even louder.