Dose of Truth


Tim Richards

As my wife and I approach the first birthday of our first grandchild I have been thinking about my first year as a grandparent. For at least two decades I have looked forward to grandchildren, however, I did not understand how wonderful it would be when Baby J finally arrived. I am not extremely emotional, but the first times I held my grandson, I cried. I immediately loved him! As we are nearing his first birthday I can say to those who do not yet have the privilege of being a grandparent, be patient, grandchildren are worth the wait!

In preparing for this week’s column, I found an article from Parade published May 13, 2023, entitled, 150 Grandparents Quotes To Warm Your Heart and Remind You of Who Loves You the Most. Allow me to share several of my favorites:

“Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after. – Fred Rogers

“A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher and a little bit best friend. – Unknown

“Because [grandparents] are usually free to love and guide and befriend the young without having to take daily responsibility for them, they often reach past pride and fear of failure and close the gap between the generations. – President Jimmy Carter

“The best parents get promoted to grandparents. – Unknown

“What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change and they give me a million dollars worth of pleasure. – Gene Perret

“Grandparents are the perfect blend of love, laughter and happy memories.” Unknown

“I’m world famous. Throughout the globe — north, south, east and west – there are literally four people who know my name. It’s great to have all four grandparents still living and widely dispersed around the world. – Jarod Kintz

I love these quotes and many others which I did not have the space to include, however, I am most challenged by what the Apostle Paul wrote about a grandparent he knew well. “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.” (II Timothy 1:5, NLT)

Paul’s words challenge me, not because my faith can be given to my grandson, but because, though I am imperfect, if I consistently live out my faith, I may see God use my example to help him become a man of faith himself. This is ultimately what I most want to give Baby J and if do I will be a successful grandpa.

As a pastor and columnist for nearly 15 newspapers, Tim Richards has lifted the spirits and challenged the hearts of those who have strong faith as well as those whose faith is weak. In his third book, “Sailing Through the Storm,” readers will again discover new ways to live with godly perspective in a world that increasingly seems to have lost its way.

Tim Richards

has been a pastor for 37 years, serving five churches, including his current church, The Refuge in St. Louis, which he founded. He and the congregation minister to those who are hurting and do their part to expand God’s kingdom. Tim and his wife Kelly have five children. “A Dose of Truth” which he has written for more than 25 years appears in 13 newspapers. His book, “Thriving in the Storm: Discovering God’s Peace and Perspective in Turbulent Times,” is available from Amazon. Feel free to contact him at Photography is another of his skills. Pastor Tim’s photos may be viewed at