Candidate filing deadline is Tuesday

Time’s running out to get your name on the April 2 election ballot. The deadline is when city and school offices close Tuesday, Dec. 26.

Candidates (*incumbents) filing so far are:

WEBB CITY R-7 SCHOOL BOARD (two open seats)

Lisa Robinson*

Jason Woodmansee*

Erin Taylor

WEBB CITY COUNCIL (four open seats)

1st Ward – Ray Edwards*

2nd Ward – Alisa Barroeta*

3rd Ward – Jerry Fisher*

4th Ward – Jim Dawson*


1st Ward – Devin Keeling

1st Ward – Darlene Taylor*

2nd Ward – Jason Myers*

3rd Ward – (Bryan Crane* not filed yet)

4th Ward – Dewayne Cupp (Cris Henkle* not filed yet)

ORONOGO BOARD OF ALDERMEN (three open seats)

1st Ward – Carol Feathers

2nd Ward – Jason Guild*

3rd Ward – (Kima Francis* not filed yet)
