Christina Dickinson and four other Cardinal Teachers are honored by Superintendent Brenten Byrd.
Tiffany Blair
Brandy Weston
Merry Welch
LaHeather Fisher

Cardinal Teachers honored by Schools Foundation

Bob Foos

The Webb City R-7 Schools Foundation Honors Banquet on Tuesday included recognition of the 2024 Cardinal Teachers. They were previously honored during the Webb City Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet.

Selected in five categories, the 2024 Cardinal Teachers are:

  • Kindergarten to second grade: Christina Dickinson, kindergarten, Bess Truman Primary Center.
  • Third to fourth grade: Tiffany Blair, fourth grade, Eugene Field Elementary School.
  • Fifth to sixth grade: Brandy Weston, special education, Webb City Middle School.
  • Seventh to eighth grade: Merry Welch, math, Webb City Junior High School.
  • Ninth to 12th grade: LaHeather Fisher, science, Webb City High School.