Webb City Academic Achievement Night

The 2020 Academic Awards ceremony.

Annual Academic Awards and Honors banquets to resume

They had to be canceled in 2021 because of the pandemic

Academic Awards Banquet

6 p.m. Monday, March 7, at the Cardinal Dome


Students who scored at the advance level in all areas of the 2021 MAP test will be honored during the  annual Webb City R-7 Academic Awards Banquet on March 7 at the Cardinal Dome.

After the 6 p.m. banquet, which is for the students and their guests, the public is invited to a ceremony during which each student will be presented a certificate.

The annual awards banquet skipped a year in 2021 because of the pandemic.

2020 Pillars of Education – John Fitzgibbon, Sherrie Mitchell, Ann Foos, Patty Woodmansee and Terry Rose.

WCR7 Foundation Honors Banquet

6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, at WCHS Commons

The Webb City R-7 Schools Foundation announces tickets are now available for its 18th Annual Honors Banquet, which will be held at 6:30 p.m. March 15 at the Webb City High School Commons.

Pam Drake will be recognized as the 2022 Distinguished Citizen.

Six Pillars of Education to be honored are Bobbie Dykens, Claudia Allen, Sharon Lewis, Vernon Williams, Larry Kamler and Beverly Jones.

Recipients of the annual staff incentive grants will also be honored.