As development of Greystone II speeds along, Oronogo approves three new street lights
The Oronogo Board of Aldermen on Monday approved the installation of three streetlights with the rest of the infrastructure in the first phase of Greystone II.
It’s an indication of how fast the Schuber Mitchell Homes development is moving along. As City Clerk Cyndi Jennings reported, “We are getting flooded with Schuber Mitchell inspections in Greyston (II).
The first phase includes 33 lots, mostly on Sidney Lane, a new street that’s a block east of the original subdivision’s Sadie Lane.
The three additional street lights will be installed by Liberty Utilities. They will add $77 to the city’s monthly electric bill.
Now, the board has passed an ordinance approving Schuber Mitchell’s performance bond guaranteeing completion of improvements for lots numbered 34-55. This second phase will complete Sidney Lane between Greystone Square South and Greystone Square North.
More than 100 lots are planned for Greystone II.
In other action Monday, the board:
Approved an contract ordinance for CPI Technologies to continue providing information technology services at a cost of $775 per month.
Voted to allow Amy Krtek to place a Blessings Box on city property northwest of the post office on Second Street.
Approved Mayor Charles Wilkins’ appointment of Krtek to the Park Advisory Board.
Approved Shila Nichols’ request for a water bill adjustment because of a leak at 143 Davis Street that took a long time to fix.
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