Dose of Truth

Being available for our little ones

Picture of Tim Richards

Tim Richards

June 5, 2024

On May 17, my wife and I welcomed our first granddaughter. Baby R weighed in at barely 5 pounds and had several health challenges since she was born at just 37 weeks. Despite these early issues, we are grateful she is growing stronger and beginning to thrive. As it was with the birth of our first grandchild, Baby J, it was love at first sight; well, that is not entirely true; we were in love with our tiny granddaughter even before she arrived but quickly fell even more in love with her when we held her for the first time and could whisper our welcome to her personally.

Thankfully, my wife Kelly and I are far from the only family members excited. Our daughter and son-in-law are thrilled and are adjusting to their new roles. They have been eager advocates for their daughter even before her birth. Each of Baby R’s grandparents is celebrating, and it has been a delight to watch the baby’s aunts and uncles excitedly welcome their tiny niece.

We are all anticipating an incredible first year with her. During the next 12 months, Baby R will discover so many different things: her fingers, her toes, colors, mashed-up vegetables, crawling – more things than adults can fully imagine. Watching babies explore the world into which they were born is amazing.

My prayer for our baby granddaughter is that in addition to the things she will discover through her five senses, she will also experience her family’s consistent love and support. Little ones need that foundational commitment from the adults in their lives.

Jesus demonstrated his commitment to the little ones he met. Mark 10:13-14 tells a fascinating story from Jesus’ life. “One day parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.’” (NLT)

Most of us are drawn to the innocence and accepting nature of children. Like Jesus, we need to be available for those who are young. A child’s early years offer a foundation for the rest of their lives. As parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, let us prioritize our children. At the end of our lives, few things matter more than the time we invest in our young ones. My wife and I are committed to being the best grandparents we can be, and this week want to say, welcome Baby R, we are thrilled to be your grandma and grandpa!

Tim Richards

has been a pastor for 37 years, serving five churches, including his current church, The Refuge in St. Louis, which he founded. He and the congregation minister to those who are hurting and do their part to expand God’s kingdom. Tim and his wife Kelly have five children. “A Dose of Truth” which he has written for more than 25 years appears in 13 newspapers. His book, “Thriving in the Storm: Discovering God’s Peace and Perspective in Turbulent Times,” is available from Amazon. Feel free to contact him at Photography is another of his skills. Pastor Tim’s photos may be viewed at