Old News

From the 3rd floor
of the Webb City Public Library

Can you help us complete the identifications in this 1941 Webb Corp photo?

Webb City Area Genealogical Society

The Webb City Area Genealogical Society is asking for assistance in naming a few of the unknown men in this 1941 photograph of Webb City and Carterville Foundry and Machine Works employees.

The Webb City Foundry was established in 1881 to meet the needs of the mining fields.

The business grew as demand for their products increased. And in 1907, the company absorbed six other machine shops and foundries and incorporated as the Webb City and Carterville Foundry and Machine Works.

New product lines were developed as the company adapted as the mining era ended in this area. 

The name of the company was shortened to the Webb Corporation in 1942. 

Today, from its original location on East Broadway, the Webb Corp ships a variety of equipment to all parts of the world.

If you can help with any names or have corrections, please email webbcitygen@gmail.com or call the genealogy room at (417) 673-0398.

Our hours are noon to 4 pm. Monday thru Friday and from 10 a.m. to 2 pm. Saturday. We are located on the third floor of the Webb City Library.

Sentinel bound volumes are now in the Genealogy Room

The WCAGS has accepted ownership of the complete collection of bound volumes of the Webb City Sentinel, from 1983 (after the fire) until the final issue on Dec. 30, 2020.

Those issues can also be viewed on microfilm, along with much older issues.

Webb City Area Genealogical Society

WCAGS members staff the Genealogy Room on the third floor of the Webb City Public Library. Current hours are noon to 4 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the Geanealogy Room.

Everything you want to know about Jasper County Missouri Schools is available at a site compiled by Webb City Area Genealogical Society member Kathy Sidenstricker.