Cade Wilson scores the first touchdown of the season for the Cardinals. (HELENE SHEELER-JOHNSON PHOTO)
Cards had it won – except for the remaining 46 seconds
Webb City held off Joplin 24-19 in the first half, was blanked in the thrid quarter but came back with two touchdowns in the fourth for what could have been a 40-38 win – except for 46 seconds left and Joseph Ipsen’s 42-yard field goal.
Fans, stunned on one side and wildly excited on the other, left Cardinal Stadium with the Eagles claiming their third win in a row and second in a row by a score of 41-40.
Jason Peake has the blow-by-blow account at SOMO Sports.
Scroll to the bottom for partial game stats.
The Cardinals are on the road this week at Neosho.
Quarterback Cohl Vaden puts the Cardinals in positon for their second touchdown in the first quarter.
Dupree Jackson gets a block from Cade Wilson as he scores on a two-point conversion. The Cardinals converted for 8 points on each of their five touchdowns.
Lucas Outt throws Joplin quarterback Always Wright for a loss in the third quarter.
Cade Wilson scores the Cardinals’ final touchdown, which with the two extra points, gave Webb City a 40-38 lead.
Josh Howard makes a catch for a 2-point conversion.
Game over: 41-40.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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