Carterville good citizens of the month

In the month of November, Carterville Elementary focused on what it means to be a good citizen. Students learned they can be a good citizen by obeying the rules and laws, being friendly, respecting the opinions of others, protecting the environment, being helpful, offering to help, being loyal to our country, volunteering in the community, and respecting the rights of others.

Carterville November Students of the Month are:

(BACK) Peyton Lynch, Laken Stewart, Annistyn Stodghill, Isaac Brown, Abel Lewton, Oakley Rumble, Brayden Johnson.

(FRONT) Duck Bland, Gunnar Stodghill, Ayden Turosik, Lakyn Harlen AND Joselynn Baird. 

(Not pictured) Aizley Schweitzer and Addalyn-Ann Stone.