Paving Broadway, all the way through town, was approved at an estimated price of $377,107 by the Webb City Council Monday.
The work will begin at East Street and continue past Madison Street and along Powell Drive to the intersection with Highway 171. City Administrator Carl Francis calculates the total length at 11,000 feet.
Mayor Lynn Ragsdale was authorized to sign an agreement with Blevins Asphalt to mill and recondition portions of the street as necessary prior laying new asphalt.
Additionally, Blevins will pave the new parking lot south of City Hall for $15,000 and patch other locations identified by the public works department.
Blevins is the current holder of the contract for asphalt services in Webb City.
Playground equipment for a new park in the Stadium Drive subdivision was approved at a cost of $20,305.
The park, as yet unnamed, is on property donated by Schuber Mitchell Homes at the intersection of Matthew Circle and North Oak Way.
The playground, with swing set, will be purchased from and installed by Miracle Recreation Equipment, at a cost of $20,305.
Schuber Mitchell Homes has agreed to donate $10,000 for the playground equipment, as well as the land. So the city’s cost will be $10,305.
It was agreed that the ballfield complex in King Jack Park looks better than ever.
Ragsdale said he has toured other ballfields in the area and concludes “ours fields are in the best shape of any of them.”
Jim Dawson (4th Ward) encouraged other council members to see the fields.
Of particular note is the major Little League baseball field, which has been redone with new fencing, backstop and rearranged seating.
Employees with the parks and public works departments did most of the work.
The major field improvements, totaling $43,000, are being paid for with $20,000 from the city and a $23,000 donation from Domino’s Pizza. It will be named Domino’s Field for three years.
Rick Roth, street and water director, pointed out that G&H Redi-Mix donated 100 yards of concrete.
The annual cleanup week is going on this week, with a city crew following along on regular trash routes to pick up everything left on the curb that won’t fit in the carts.
If cleanup week has passed you by, you can still call WCA to arrange for a large item to be picked up. (417) 747-7701.
Electronics and hazardous waste can be disposed of Saturday by taking it to the Public Works Center, 1060 N. Madison St.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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