Kevin Cooper says goodbye to the school district but not to education
Kevin Cooper is saying goodbye to the Webb City R-7 School District after some 38 years (including 13 K-12).
He’s in his 12th year as assistant superintendent of business operations. Superintendent Tony Rossetti thanked the School Board last week for allowing Cooper to stay on an extra semester to guide his replacement, Josh Flora.
Cooper is retiring with 31 1/2 years of experience, 25 of which were in Webb City. He started out as a teacher in 1991. After returning from three years at Ozark, he was a fifth-grade teacher at Harry S Truman Elementary before becoming a principal at Carthage. He returned again in 1999 as HST principal.
Cooper’s wife, Aimee, is a process coordinator and high school cheerleading coach for the district.
Current and former co-workers wished Kevin well during a retirement reception Thursday.
Asked about his plans for retirement, Cooper said, “I hope to be back in education soon.”
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