Graham McCaw gets a handshake from his father/scoutmaster, John McCaw, after officially becoming ans Eagle Scout.

Court of Honor held for new Eagle Scout, Graham McCaw

Bob Foos

Graham McCaw became an Eagle Scout Thursday, Oct. 24, in front of family, fellow Scouts and others who supported him in reaching his goal.

Graham is a member of Troop 25, which has been sponsored for more than 100 years by the First Presbyterian Church. It was the first Eagle Scout Court of Honor in 17 years for Troop 25 and the church.

Graham’s father and scoutmaster, John McCaw, said that from when he first became a Scout, Graham never sought to do the bare minimum.

Eagle Scouts are only required to earn 21 merit badges. Graham has earned 50 in just four years.

For his Eagle volunteer project, he committed to research five historic homes in Webb City and place descriptive markers in front of them. So far, Graham has now installed nine of the markers and has more planned.

He thanked the Webb City Area Genealogical Society and Jeanne Newby for their help with the research and the owners of the homes for their cooperation.

Graham thanked his mother, Hilary, for sewing on all of his merit badges. His sister, Lily, is away at college but spoke about him as he held the phone up to the microphone.

A contingent of Emmanuel Baptist Church members, who have watched Graham grow up, was also present.

Graham has received numerous other advanced Scouting related awards. During the ceremony, he received certificates of achievement from the Navy and Air Force.

In addition to troop leadership roles, Graham also served as bugler, which he learned playing Taps at sunset with Bruce Benson.

Graham's sister Lily phones in to lighten the mood of the ceremony.
The ceremony was attended by Graham's family and many supporters.