West Seventh Street dead ends before reaching Prairie Flower Road.
Easement purchased to extend 7th Street to Prairie Flower Road
The Webb City Council on Monday purchased the remaining easement necessary to eventually connect West Seventh Street to Prairie Flower Road.
West Seventh Street has gradually been extended with more housing development.
Also coming out of the closed session was an agreement to sell the old mechanic’s garage at First and Hall streets for $25,000 to the highest bidder, Steve Nelson, of Nelson Enterprises.
Nelson is currently finishing the removal of vegetation from the old G&H Redi-Mix site at the “Y” at East Broadway and East Daugherty Street. The city now owns the property and because of its proximity to East Street hopes to sell it for commercial development.
The 2022 budget includes $30,000 to remove foundations and other remaining concrete on the 7.5 acre site.
In open session, the council approved the 2022 budget, which will take effect Nov. 1.
There was some discussion about the $2.4 million the city is receiving under the American Rescue Plan Act. The first of two payments ($1,224,233) has already been received, and the second is expected to be received in the spring.
Jonathan Shull (3rd Ward) said “half of our constituents don’t wan this (federal money).”
Jerry Fisher (3rd Ward) asked if any cities are giving back the ARPA funds. He was told Joplin and Jasper County are not returning the money they’re receiving.
“You can give it back, but I would advise against it,” said City Administrator Carl Francis.
Mayor Lynn Ragsdale noted the city has until 2024 before it is required to report how it plans to spend the money and 2026 before it has to be spent.
He said the ARPA funds will be kept in a separate account and not spent in a “knee-jerk” manner.
It was mentioned that at least a portion of the unexpected revenue will need to be spent for infrastructure.
Also approved on second reading was an ordinance accepting the voluntary annexation of property at 1007 Stadium Drive.
The possibility of a detention pond on the north side of Highway 171 near Powell Drive helping control flooding in the Golf Road area was also discussed.
Francis reported that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has given the go-ahead for a study to determine what effect the detention pond would have on the flooding problem.
A DNR grant to pay 80% of the design cost was approved a year ago, according to Francis. Of the $75,000 cost, Webb City will pay $15,000.
Francis announced that Tom Reeder, director of parks and recreation, has decided to retire in May 2020, and that the process to replace him has begun.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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