Exalted Ruler Cheri Badgley (above the logo) and other Elks present a check to support the A-10 Warthogs Family Day. (Jonathan Dawson photos)
Elks Club assists with 442nd Fighter Wing family day

For the past two years, The Webb City Elks Lodge #861 has partnered with Whiteman Air Force Base and the 442nd Fighter Wing “A-10 Warthogs” to put on Feeding the Hawgs.

The family-weekend is for the 442nd reserves. The Elks Lodge participates by cooking bratwurst, handing out drinks, operating merchandise tents, beer gardens, etc.

This year, the Elks provided custom-designed t-shirts and sold them to help the 442nd Fighter Wing Booster Club.

Over 20 Elks from Webb City presented a $1,250 check to the master sergeants who organize the event to help with next year’s family weekend.

Fall WCHS Choir Concert Thursday

The Webb City High School choirs will present their fall concert at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10, at the Ronald R. Barton Performance Arts Center.

There will be performances by the Concert Choir, Bella Vocé, Domenance and Webb City Singers.

Admission is free.

Pro Musica presents the Catalyst Quartet

Catalyst Quartet will perform in concert Thursday, Oct. 10, as the second event of Pro Musica’s 45th season.

No advance registration is needed to attend the free 7 p.m. concert at the Harry M. Cornell Arts and Entertainment Center. Donations will be accepted at the door.

Call (417) 625-1822 for a reservation to the 5:30 p.m. meet-and-greet.

EPA superfund open house set for Oct. 16

Representatives of EPA Region 7 invite all Jasper County residents to attend a community meeting about the cleanup of our superfund site.

It will be held open-house style from 6:15 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16, at Carthage Memorial Hall.

Specifically to be presented is a community involvement plan during this stage of the cleanup of the Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt Superfund Site, along with findings from the technical assistance needs assessment.

A community involvement plan is a site-specific strategy to enable meaningful community involvement throughout the superfund cleanup process. CIPs are a requirement at superfund sites, as mandated by the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP).

More information about the Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt Superfund Site is online. There’s also information about community involvement plans and technical assistance needs assessments.