Queen candidates – Mia Robbins, Libby Karnes, Kenzie Ball, Addy Ragsdale, Elizabeth Dodson, Fia Frank-Hague. Attendants – Emerson Boulware, junior; Elly Eddy, freshman, and Caitlin Norton – sophomore.

Andrew Young, junior attendant; Barron Duda, king candidate; Jace Jones, king candidate; Levi Lassiter, king candidate; Evan Stevens, king candidate; Andrew Dawson, sophomore attendant; Luis Gallardo, king candidate, and Mason Young, freshman attendant. Not pictured, Jacob Russell, king candidate.

Homecoming set between Feb. 2 games in the Dome

Webb City High School Winter Homecoming Royalty has been announced.

Coronation will be between the junior varsity and varsity basketball games, around 7 p.m., on Friday, Feb. 2, in the Cardinal Dome.

Candidates for king and queen are seniors.

The Cardinals boys basketball team will be playing Ozark for homecoming. The home matchup between the Webb City and Ozark girls teams will be on the night before, Thursday, Feb. 1.