Bob Foos
John Roderique stuck with one of his traits, humility, as he was being inducted into the Webb City R-7 Hall of Fame.
The 1986 graduate of Webb City High School thanked the “tremendous people,” his teachers, principals and colleagues, who shaped him through discipline and support while he was a student and throughout his 26-year career as head football coach.
He cited the three superintendents he worked for, Ron Barton, Ron Lankford and Tony Rossetti, for being “great leaders.”
Barton told him when he was hired that, “We want you to be successful, but I don’t want you to sacrifice your family for it.”
“Nobody is successful on their own,” he said, thanking the coaches and parents, who have helped the football program to be one of the best in the state and nation.
“I feel lucky to have coached in this district for all the years that I did,” he said. But he admitted not all years were good.
After going 14-0 in 1997, his first year, the Cardinals nearly had a losing season in 1998, with a 5-5 record. Webb City fans weren’t optimistic he could guide the program back to the Show-Me Bowl. “We had For Sale signs put in our yard.” And profane messages were left on the phone. Even in the grocery line, he recalled being confronted by a mean little old lady.
Roderique said he’s found there are two main things about coaching – the goal and the purpose.
Early in his career, he focused on having the best team in Missouri. As he grew professionally and as a person, he realized his purpose was to prepare his players for life. One of his joys now, he said, is catching up with former players.
Roderique is retired from coaching, but he continues as the district’s athletic director.
Superintendent Tony Rossetti detailed the many ways
John Roderique qualifies to join the hall of fame.
Each year, the Hall of Fame committee chooses an individual to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The criteria for this award is as follows:
The alumnus of a school that currently comprises the Webb City R-7 School District;
This last year, John Roderique was chosen as the 2023 Hall of Fame inductee.
John was a…
He is a member/recipient of the following:
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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