Yaisa Walker, Preston Burton, Johnathon Tatum and Katelyn Miller – first place in the old shooter category. Lt. Col. Dustin Elder photos

JROTC rifle teams do well at first major event of the season

Webb City JROTC Cardinal Battalion rifle teams placed first in two events and third in another Saturday at the Show Me Shootout at Ozark.

Lt. Col. Dustin Elder, senior Army instructor, says performing that well at a major rifle match, including teams from five states, is a pretty good way to start the season.

In the open sporter (old shooter) category, the team of Preston Burton, Johnathon Tatum, Yaisa Walker, and Katelyn Miller earned first place. And a second team of Aleena Arias, Samuel Fisher, Avery Pennock and Blake Wininger earned third place.

The team of Lilly Othick, Abigail Riggs, Anthony Kulju, and Hope Shinn earned first place in the basic (new shooter) category.

Individually, Preston Burton took second place among other old shooters.

Lilly Othick took first overall, and Abigail Riggs took second overall in the new shooter category

Aleena Arias, Avery Pennock, Samuel Fisher and Blake Wininger – third place in the old shooter category.

Abigail Riggs, Anthony Kulju, Lilly Othick and Hope Shinn – first place in the new shooter category.