Bob Foos
Mid-Missouri Bank’s new eye-catching facility on Madison Street opened for business Monday.
At 1421 S. Madison St., it replaces a 1980s structure that looked more residential than commercial.
It’s also replacing the downtown building as the Mid-Missouri’s main bank in Webb City.
Jennifer Sparks is the bank manager for the new main bank and the drive-thru bank downtown. She says the grand opening will be held the middle of May.
“We can’t wait for the grand opening, but it’s nice to get settled in first and be at our new desks. Now, we just want customers and prospective customers to come see it, too!”
The new building is so modern it even has a charging station for electric vehicles. Inside, customers will transact their normal bank business at desks instead of a teller windows. And they’ll be tempted to have a cup of fresh-brewed coffee.
The facility will also include the office of Chris Morrow, MidMo Insurance’s agent in Webb City.
During construction, Mid-Missouri brought in a mobile commercial building to keep doing business on Madison Street.
“We can’t thank our customers and the Webb City community enough for their patience while we completed this project,” said Andy Perigo, Mid-Missouri Bank’s Community President in both Webb City and Joplin. “This new, modern facility offers a premier customer banking experience with mobile devices on display for hands-on demonstrations with our local experts on all of the most modern ways to bank from the comfort and convenience of anywhere.”
The former main bank at 100 N. Main St. will officially be closed in the near future, and the building is expected to be for sale.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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