Military Ball royalty: (SITTING) King Preston Burton and Queen Claire Rives.

(STANDING) Blayden Pickard-Lucas, Aleena Arias, Abigail Riggs, Anthony Kulju, Kimberlee Smith and Coby Wilson.

Military Ball coronation

Seniors Claire Rives and Preston Burton were crowned Saturday night as queen and king of Webb City High School’s JROTC Cardinal Battalion’s Military Ball.

Juniors Aleena Arias and Blayden Pickard-Lucas were the princess and prince.

Cadets also elected sophomores Abigail Riggs and Anthony Kulju and freshmen Kimberlee Smith and Coby Wilson.


Emmallee Bright

Emmalee Bright wins national JROTC essay contest

Webb City JROTC learned this week that Cadet Sgt. Emmalee Bright has won the National Army JROTC Essay Contest.

Her essay was first judged the best among other Cardinal Battalion entries. It then advanced past the regional level to national consideration.

The topic for all essays this year was “Service.” Bright’s winning essay, “Service is the Heart of Patriotism,” was published in the Sentinel on March 20.

Bright’s prize is a six-day, expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C., where she’ll have the opportunity to attend the JROTC Leadership and Academic Bowl at The Catholic University of America.

“She’s going to have the experience of a lifetime!” says 1st Sgt. Stephanie Attaway. “We are super proud of her time and effort to write a great essay.”