Land that’s been cleared in King Jack Park is east of the soccer fields, adjacent to the railroad (where it crosses South Hall Street at right) and on both sides of Dawson Drive, which cuts through the park and becomes Railroad Way east of South Hall Street. (The view is south to north, note the water tower.)

More usable space in King Jack Park

Vegetation clearing project is complete

A tract of land was added to King Jack Park through purchase in recent years, but until now the trees and brush have been too dense for it to be usable.

The Webb City Council recently approved a contract to clear the land.

No use is planned yet, however, City Administrator Carl Francis says he would like to move the soccer stands to the east side of the fields and provide more parking for soccer. 

Also, he says he would like to move the soccer concession stand to the east side because he considers it a safety hazard where it is now. Traffic flows between the fields and where the concession stand is now.