Neighborhood – Feb. 17, 2021
Area Agency on Aging Assists with COVID-19 vaccine registration online
As part of a partnership with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Area Agency on Aging, Region X, will be assisting with the online registration for the Covid-19 vaccine through the Missouri Covid-19 Vaccine Navigator. The AAA is able to coordinate transportation to and from vaccination sites. Reminder calls will also be made for vaccination appointments.
This service is available for seniors 65 years of age and older and adults under 65 with disabilities in Barton, Jasper, Newton and McDonald counties who do not have access to the internet or are uncomfortable navigating the online registration website.
“Navigating the web and registering online can be a challenge for seniors, so we’re working closely with the AAAs to provide hands-on assistance with the process and make sure that folks have safe transportation to their appointments, “ said Jessica Bax, Director of the Division of Senior and Disability Services. “This partnership with the AAAs will ensure all Missouri seniors are able to access their vaccine.”
Those needing this assistance can call the Area Agency on Aging, Region X, at (417) 781-7562. More information can be found here.
Jasper County Extension Council election results are announced
Thank you to everyone who voted in the Jasper County MU Extension Council Election.
Eleven individuals were newly-elected in the balloting that ended January 26, 2021, according to Clint Lambeth, council chair.
Newly elected members to serve two-year terms are:
Christy Groves Graham, Joplin; Kim Lambeth, Dan Sellers, Bruce Waggoner, Sandy Smith and Terry Smith, Webb City; Gayle Brown and Jeff Brown, Oronogo; and Wayne Wilson and Yessenia Viera, Carthage. Gail Lawrence, Carthage was elected to serve a one-year term vacated by Erin Forsythe.
These members will join the following hold-over members:
Ashton Chapman, Anthony Martin, Patricia Gordon, Stephen H Dorsey, and Charles Hutchins, Carthage; Charles E Davis and Judy Nelson, Webb City; Amy L Gates, Joplin; and Michael C Moss, Carl Junction.
The appointed members to the council are:
Tom Flanigan (County Commission), Carl Burton (Farm Bureau), Gail Kreutzer (City of Carthage), and Clint Lambeth (City of Webb City).
The council has four major responsibilities. They are: (1) to advise the University of Missouri on needed extension educational programs, (2) approve the extension staff housed in Jasper County, (3) arrange for financing the Jasper County Extension Center and, (4) hold elections to perpetuate the Council.
Officers for the 2021 council were elected at the annual meeting held on Tuesday evening, February 9, 2021. They are: Clint Lambeth, chairman; Kim Lambeth, vice-chair; Gail Kreutzer, secretary; Charles Hutchins, treasurer: and Tom Flanigan, co-treasurer.
University of Missouri Extension programs focus on the high-priority needs of Missourians. Each county extension center, with oversight by locally elected and appointed citizens, is your local link to practical education on almost anything. More information is available online at
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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