The snow had pretty much been worn down by Saturday afternoon beneath the Praying Hands.

Neighborhood – Feb. 24

Mass vaccination event to be held Tuesday and Wednesday in Carthage

First doses only – register on the state COVID-19 website,


The Jasper County Health Department announces that the Missouri National Guard will be in Carthage Tuesday and Wednesday, March 2 and 3, for a mass vaccine event. It will be held indoors at Fairview Christian Church, 2320 Grand Avenue, Carthage.

To register, click on REGISTER NOW in the menu bar (top right) of the Missouri COVID-19 Vaccine Navigator site. Once on that page, follow the onscreen instructions.

 After you register you will get an email to schedule an appointment. Make sure you are scheduling for a mass vaccination in Jasper County. 

  •  You must be eligible under the currently open phases in Missouri to get an email for scheduling. 
  • You must be scheduling for your first dose of the vaccine. No second dose appointments are available at this event. 

If you do not have internet, please call the Missouri state COVID hotline at 877-435-8411. 

The Jasper County Health Dept. will not be able to schedule an appointment for you. You must register with the Missouri Vaccine Navigator or call the Missouri state COVID hotline at (877) 435-8411. If you are over the age of 65 and need assistance with this process you may reach out to the Area Agency on Aging by calling (417) 781-7562. 

Preparing for your appointment: 

  • Bring a photo ID 
  • Bring your patient ID. This number will be provided to you when you register at 
  • Arrive no more than 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. 
  • Wear a short sleeve shirt. 
  • Following your vaccination, you will be asked to wait at the site for a 15-minute monitoring period.