Memorial Day weekend
As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, members of the Webb City American Legion and Auxiliary will be out in public to pay tribute to veterans.
On Friday and Saturday, Legion members will hand out flags at Mt. Hope Cemetery, and Auxiliary members will hand out poppies at Atwoods.
Auxiliary members will also have a booth at the Webb City Farmers Market on Saturday morning.
There’s no charge for the flags or poppies, but donations will be accepted.
The Pittsburg State University Veterans Memorial is offering a recorded Memorial Day program available for viewing on demand anytime on May 31 or later.
Featured will be keynote speaker (Ret.) Col. Donald Woolfolk, a native of Pratt, Kan., who is now in his 13th year as the deputy director of intelligence, Navy Special Warfare Command.
Look for the program at, or
The memorial is located at 1909 S. Rouse at the eastern edge of the Pittsburg State University campus. It was dedicated with a ceremony on Memorial Day 2004.
It features a half-sized replica of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., and a kiosk and directory to help visitors locate names. A 250-seat amphitheater serves as a venue for special events and a quiet place to reflect.
In addition to the wall, the memorial includes an entry rampart featuring U.S., state, and university flags and the five seals of the uniformed military branches, two impressive entry portals, an arch just behind the reflecting pool with an eternal flame, and patriotic bronze sculptures.
The plaza of the amphitheater, as well as the entrance plaza, features more than 3,400 engraved granite pavers paying tribute to veterans and veterans’ organizations. A display of the 50 state flags is featured on the north berm of the memorial.
It is one of the most visited sites in Southeast Kansas. Details:
The baseball field in Alba where the famous Boyer boys got their start will be dedicated in their honor at 11 a.m. Saturday.
Pat Bearden, a member of the Alba City Council, says the city has been trying to bring the ballpark to the condition it was in the 1970s and 1980s. A sign has been installed with the names of the seven Boyer brothers, who all played professional baseball.
Ken Boyer is in the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame. Cloyd and Clete also had major-league careers. The other four are Wayne, Lynn, Ron and Len.
“The Boyer family about built Alba,” says Bearden, who serves on the council with one of seven Boyer sisters, Pansy Schell.
Bearden says she’s lined up Pansy and Ronnie to speak. Cloyd is also expected to attend. And Bearden may take a quote from her copy of Lew Freedman’s book, “The Boyer Brothers of Baseball.”
Tacos from a local restaurant will be served at the conclusion of the ceremony.
The DQ Grill & Chill in Webb City is offering a free combo meal to all local first responders on Memorial Day.
The deal will be to thank all of the local heroes (with valid identification) in Webb City for all that they do for the community.
Berzerker Swimming and Little Viking Swim School is now registering students for summer classes at the Webb City R-7 School District Swim Center.
The first two-week session begins Tuesday, June 1. Other sessions will start June 14, July 5 and July 19. The cost is $50 per child per session.
Lessons are for children ages 4-5 and beginning swimmers age 6 and up. The prep program is for students age 5 and up who are comfortable in the deep water, where they will learn the four competitive strokes.
Registration forms and other class opportunities are online.
Aquatic Director Shawn Klosterman is the Berzerker founder. Sharon Griffing trains the numerous instructors.
The Webb City Athletic Booster Club is taking entries for a 3-man scramble golf tournament on Saturday, June 26, at the Carthage course.
The team entry fee of $240 includes lunch, mulligans and all hole contests. Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers in two flights, based on the number of entries.
Registration will be at 6:30 a.m. followed by a shotgun start at 7:30. Payment can be made the day of the tournament.
To enter, call Wayne Smith, (417) 434-5194, or Eric Parker, (417) 540-0817. For more information, send a message to
The Webb City Area Chamber of Commerce has scheduled its eighth annual golf tournament for 1 p.m. Friday, July 23, at Briarbrook Country Club.
To register, fill out this form.
The Sky Kings R/C Club will hold its Spring Fun-Fly & Swap Meet at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 12, at its airfield between Webb City and Carterville.
If weather permits, the event will keep going until the sun sets. Spectators are welcome to attend for free. Lunch will be available on site for purchase. Hats and lawn chairs are recommended.
A current Academy of Model Aeronautics membership card is required to fly.
Sky Kings, an AMA Gold Leader Club, maintains its airfield on property owned by Webb City, which is north of Sharon Drive on the west edge of Carterville.
Missouri Route 96 will be closed and drivers can expect additional lane closures and traffic delays when a project to make intersection improvements along Missouri Route 171, including construction of a roundabout and resurfacing the highway, is scheduled to begin Tuesday, June 1.
Route 96 traffic will be detoured on Route 43 and Routes H, M and Z.
The intersection will be converted to a roundabout and moved to the east. Here’s a MoDOT video of how the roundabout will work.
In addition, the entire 26-mile stretch of Route 171 between the state line and I-49 in Carthage will be resurfaced.
The existing 171/96 intersection is located immediately adjacent to the Kansas City Southern railroad tracks which parallel Missouri Route 171. Vehicles, especially large semis and farm equipment, approaching from the west on Jasper County Route YY often must sit across the railroad tracks while waiting for a gap in traffic on Route 171. The project will increase the distance between the railroad tracks and Route 171, improving safety.
APAC-Central Inc., of Springfield, has until Dec. 15 to complete the project. The total cost is $9.8 million.
(TOP) Lauren Young, Avery Stodghill, Evan Cservak, Legacie Delagarza.
(ROW 3) Kyler Payton, Dayton Crane, Avery Burns.
(ROW2) Tristan Leffew, Lyla Crihfield, Aiden Bradshaw.
(BOTTOM) Braxton Haines, Aubrey Jensen, William Bontrager.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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