METS Station 3 is now operational on Madison Street. The ribbon was cut Friday, Sept. 17.

New METS station in Webb City improves ambulance service

There’s room for four ambulances in the bay,

Two ambulances now serve north portion of coverage area 24 hours a day

METS ambulance coverage north of Joplin has improved with construction of Station No. 3 in Webb City.

METS Chief Jason Smith explained during a ribbon-cutting at the station Friday that it allows METS to staff two ambulance crews 24 hours a day, plus there’s room in the vehicle bay and crew living quarters for a third ambulance crew.

Until now, METS has had one 24-hour crew and one daytime crew housed at the Webb City Fire Station. 

The initial idea to build a new METS station adjacent to the fire station was rejected by the METS because Webb City would retain to right to purchase the building if METS decided to move somewhere else.

But the main thing is that METS still has a base in Webb City, according to City Administrator Carl Francis.

Station No. 3 is responsible for answering calls in western Jasper County from Zora Street to the Barton County Line. It is located on the west side of Madison Street at Third Street.

METS Chief Jason Smith explains how the new station improves service.