This Webb City Mining Co. photo was taken Dec. 18, 1935, which was a day before the one featured in the newspaper article below was taken.

Old News

From the 3rd floor
of the Webb City Public Library

Newspaper clipping gives a rare opportunity to put names with miners in a company photo

Volunteers are working to digitize many items in the Webb City Area Genealogical Society archives.

Some of the items that are donated to the society are newspaper clippings and scrapbooks. Many times these items are very fragile and scanning them is the best way to preserve them.

This newspaper clipping of the Webb City Mining Company employees was in a scrapbook from the Fred Spille collection. Though it was published in what appears to be The Joplin Globe, this image could not be found in the online digitized copy of the paper. Many times the supplements in the newspaper have not been included in the scanning process. The supplements are usually articles spotlighting area communities, residents and history.

We were happy to find this photograph especially because it contains the names of most of the miners, something we rarely come across with the panoramic photographs.

Sentinel bound volumes are now in the Genealogy Room

The WCAGS has accepted ownership of the complete collection of bound volumes of the Webb City Sentinel, from 1983 (after the fire) until the final issue on Dec. 30, 2020.

Those issues can also be viewed on microfilm, along with much older issues.

Webb City Area Genealogical Society

WCAGS members staff the Genealogy Room on the third floor of the Webb City Public Library. Current hours are noon to 4 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Genealogy Room.

Everything you want to know about Jasper County Missouri Schools is available at a site compiled by Webb City Area Genealogical Society member Kathy Sidenstricker.