Bob Foos
Progress is certainly being made on the roundabout under construction at Zora and South Hall streets.
But according to engineers for the city of Joplin, we won’t be driving around it until early to mid January.
The picture above was taken on Nov. 19.
Zora Street is split in the middle, with the north half in Webb City and the south half in Joplin.
Joplin received the grant and is paying for the project, while Webb City is contributing $100,000.
The roundabout’s primary purpose is to make it easier for trucks coming from MO 249 on Zora Street to make the turn north to the Joplin-Webb City Industrial Park.
Webb City will also contribute $100,000 when the contract is let for the second phase of the Zora improvement project. That will widen Zora between the roundabout and MO 249.
The last phase will be to improve Zora Street from the roundabout west to Range Line Road. Webb City will contribute another $100,000 when that contract is awarded.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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