Bob Foos
Oronogo’s citywide cleanup isn’t scheduled until the second Saturday in May, but Police Chief Steven Weaver informed the Board of Aldermen on Monday that he is already monitoring 17 properties in violation of the Nuisances Affecting Public Health section of the code.
He said most of the problems involve junk vehicles and overgrown yards. There’s also an abandoned mobile home he’s trying to get removed.
Mobile homes can no longer be placed in the city, except in a mobile home park. Chapter 415.210 of the code states that once an existing mobile home on a private lot is vacant for six months it can’t be reoccupied. It has to be removed from the city.
The good thing about Weaver’s report is that 17 cleanups is not as many as the 40 he was working a year ago.
Public Works Superintendent Tony Cantrell reported the new sewer infrastructure, including two large lift sations, has been operating without issues.
Also, the 600,000 gallon water tower has been drained and is being rehabilitated and cleaned.
The board voted for Cantrell to be compensated for 80 unused hours of vacation.
On Feb. 26, the board held a special session to accept the resignation of Charity Bradshaw as court clerk, effective Feb. 27, contingent on her signing a separation agreement. She continued to be paid until March 13. On March 6, again in special session, the board agreed to post the position at a salary of $16 per hour.
After a closed session Monday, Tracé McMullen was hired. She has been the municipal court clerk at Carl Junciton for three years.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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