Oronogo Board keeps property tax rate as it is

The Oronogo Board of Aldermen on Monday approved an ordinance that leaves the total property tax levy the same, $0.3835 per $100 assessed valuation.

Total assessed valuation has increased $3,533,650 to $29,457,050 during the past year. Of the increase, $1,334,300 was from new construction.

The general tax levy of $0.2596 is expected to generate $85,000 in revenue. Another $27,500 in revenue is expected from the $0.1239 tax levy for streets.

In other action, the board:

• Decided not to return at this time any of the $1.5 million lease-purchase loan proceeds, even though it’s apparent all of it won’t be needed to complete the sewer improvement project. Proceeds from a $2 million bond issue are also financing the project, which is expected to get underway next month.

• Approved a five-year contract ordinance for Omnigo Software to provide computer services for the police department. The city is to pay $6,070 the first year. The total cost over five years is $33,540. Mayor Charles Wilkins pointed out the city is saving $40,000 in planned annual increases by contracting for five years.

• Approved a contract ordinance with Certified Payments that City Clerk Cyndi Jennings said would save money for customers paying with credit card. The service being replaced charges $4 per transaction. Under the new contract, there will be a 2.5% charge for each transaction.