Oronogo Board writes last check to sewer construction firm

Bob Foos

The Oronogo Board of Aldermen on Monday approved the final payment to G&G Construction – marking the end of the sewer improvement project that has been planned since 2010 and under construction since September 2022.

The final payment of $56,729 brings the total amount paid to G&G to $2,836,496. That’s not counting engineering costs.

The new system has enough capacity to more adequately handle the community’s current sewage flow and to allow for population growth.

Meanwhile, Tony Cantrell, superintendent of public works, reported recent trouble with three sewer lift stations (not involved with the completed project).

The board voted to approve the purchase of three lift station pumps at a cost not to exceed $25,000.

In other action, the board approved an ordinance renewing the city’s three-year membership in the Joplin HOME Consortium through 2027.

As a consortium member, the city will be eligible to receive funds from the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.

The Joplin consortium includes: Joplin, Carthage, Webb City, Carl Junction, Carterville, Sarcoxie, Oronogo, Airport Drive, Duquesne, Neck City and all unincorporated areas of Jasper County.

The board stayed after the regular meeting for a budget work session.