Oronogo’s new tornado siren on Central Street just east of Baker Street.
Parking on both sides of Grant Street may be banned now
Prior to their closed session Monday, the Oronogo aldermen discussed the need to ban parking on both sides of Grant Street – the street that leads from City Hall north to the fire station on Highway 96.
Parking is already banned on one side of the street, but it was said that Grant Street is not wide enough to allow two vehicles to pass each other if there is a vehicle parked on either side of the street. That’s especially a problem for emergency vehicles.
Rick Seeley (1st Ward) said residents on Grant Street have told him they are in favor of not allowing any parking on Grant Street.
An ordinance to ban parking on both sides of Grant Street is expected to be placed on the board’s Aug. 23 agenda.
Aldermen also discussed whether parking should be banned on one side of Amber Drive. Mayor Charles Wilkins said he recently spoke to those attending a block party on Amber Street and they were supportive of parking on just one side of the street. No ordinance will be written yet for Amber Drive.
Another matter to be brought up later is an amendment to the fireworks ordinance.
The ordinance bans both aerial fireworks and bottle rockets. Somehow, the wording in the code book is different.
Wilkins said he wants to allow aerial fireworks but keep the ban on bottle rockets.
Police Chief Steven Weaver reported that installation of the city’s three new tornado sirens is complete and they were to be tested Wednesday.
Also, he proposed policy for officers to be paid a minimum of $30 when working off duty for the city, such as for state-grant DWI Wolfpacks, and private security for outside firms or groups.
Weaver reported progress in getting lots cleaned up throughout the city. He said he drives around on Mondays looking for yards that need to be mowed.
In other action, the board:
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