Oronogo public works employees work 65 hours of overtime dealing with the storm
Sixty-five hours of clearing snow from streets was the major part of an unusual overtime report turned in to the Oronogo City Board of Aldermen Monday by Tony Cantrell, public works superintendent.
He noted the city’s policy of clearing all streets, although not to everyone’s satisfaction. The aldermen, however, expressed their approval.
The department’s four employees, including Cantrell, also treated roads and dealt with water leaks caused by the record-breaking temperature drop.
Engineer Eric DeGrussen, of Allgeir Martin and Associates, updated the board on his design of the improved sewer system. Acquiring property for the new lift station is one of things he’s working on.
Completing the project is rather urgent because about 700 new homes are expected to be using the system.
Board members voted to proceed with contracting to have natural gas lines installed in the second phase of the Greystone II subdivision. The cost of installing 5,800 feet of gas lines and equipment will be $181,600. Cantrell estimates the city would get that money back in gas meter fees within five years if all 130 houses hook up to the city-owned natural gas system. If only half of them buy city gas, it will take nine years to pay off the initial investment.
The board is considering the placement of a new tornado siren which will reach the north part of town, including the new Hawthorn Hills housing development being built north of Jason Place.
The new siren will replace the siren now at City Hall (at right). Of the city’s four old sirens, Mayor Tammy Talent said the one at City Hall is the worst. If placed correctly, it’s believed the new siren could even reach outside the city to the Christ’s Church of Oronogo campus. Board members voted to accept a $5,000 donation from CCO and seek a site where the siren’s sound would reach the church.
The cost of a new siren is roughly $25,000. It had been hoped a grant would allow the city to replace all four of the old sirens. But Talent said the plan now is to budget a new siren each year.
In other action, the council:
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