A tornado siren similar to the one installed in the summer of 2020 near the sewage treatment plant will be installed on the north edge of Oronogo.
Oronogo purchases new siren to warn the north portion of the city
Before long, the north part of Oronogo should be covered by the sound of a new tornado siren.
The Oronogo Board of Aldermen on Monday approved the purchase from Blue Valley Public Safety, of Grain Valley, at a cost of $23,291.
Tony Cantrell, superintendent of public works, said a site has been selected on the north side of Jason Place subdivision, which is northwest of the intersection of Highway 96 and Route D. Coverage will include the new 460-house subdivision, Hawthorne Hills. And Christ’s Church of Oronogo, which is outside the city limits, has agreed to pay $5,000 of the cost because its campus will be within the siren’s coverage area.
The board had budgeted $25,000 for the purchase and plans to do the next several years until all of its existing sirens have been replaced.
In the meantime, Police Chief Steven Weaver reported that only one of the four existing sirens sounded during the national severe weather test last week. Ironically, the one that did work is the one in back of City Hall, which likely won’t be necessary once the new siren is installed.
Weaver said he will continue to test the sirens and have repairs done if possible. Parts availability for the old sirens has been a problem.
Greystone II requires larger sewer main
Cantrell urged the board to prioritize the expansion of a main sewer line from Central Street to a lift station on Ivy Road.
As it is, he said it will only handle 98 additional homes. The second phase of Greystone II alone is platted for more than 130 homes. Plus there are plans to expand the subdivision adjacent to Route D, on the east side, which now includes Homestead Drive and Weatherstone Drive.
The existing 8-inch line was installed in the 1990s before Oronogo’s housing boom was visualized. It is fed from the east by 12-inch lines.
This project is in addition to the major sewer system improvement project, which is necessary to handle the increased flow from housing expansion.
Greystone II final plat approval
Schuber Mitchell Homes was to have its final plat for Greystone II approved by the Planning and Zoning Board the next night.
The board of aldermen agreed Monday to contract with Goins Enterprises to install natural gas mains and service lines for the municipal service in Greystone II – at the same time electrical, plumbing and storm drainage systems are being installed.
Fencing bill fails
The board’s ongoing consideration of changing the regulation of fencing ended when the bill was defeated by a 4-2 vote.
Darrel Orender and Jason Grossman moved to hold a first reading on the bill, while Rick Seeley, Charles Wilkins, Kima Burnett and Schelli Marti voted against it.
In other action, the board:
Voted to transfer the funds from a initial $20,000 certificate of deposit to a business money market account when the CD matures. Linda Lacey, city treasurer, reported current interest rates are around .05%. Rather than lock a rate that low by renewing a CD, there’s a chance the rate will increase with a money market account.
Hired Hollis Cady as a police officer.
Accepted the resignation of Barbara Collett from the park advisory board.
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