Oronogo starts new fiscal year on July 1
Oronogo is preparing to start its fiscal year on July 1 with general fund revenue forecast of $976,805, which is $1,892 more than $974,912 in budgeted expenses.
The latest treasurer’s report showed a balance of $2,647,382 in the operating fund account.
Overall, including six funds in addition to the general fund, revenue is anticipated to be $4,248,530, compared to expenses of $5,754,665.
All five members of the Board of Aldermen voted to approve the budget amendment without discussion.
The following is an excerpt of Mayor Charles Wilkins’ budget message:
The Street Department has revenue anticipated at $170,700.00 with the expenses budgeted for $211,668.00 with a deficit of$40,968.00 this is due to a street paving project that could not be completed in the 2020-2021 budget year.
The Water Fund anticipated revenue is $459,000.00 with budgeted expenditures of $482,650.00, a deficit of $23,650.00. This is due to new equipment purchase that is currently in the Equipment Reserves.
The Gas Fund has revenue anticipated $184,250.00 with budgeted expenditures of$220,900.00 this is due to expansion of the gas infrastructure.
The Sewer Fund anticipated revenue is $2,386,500.00 with budgeted expenditures of $3,415,035.00 this is due to the upgrades to the sewer gravity flow lines, lift stations and force main. The Council approved a lease purchase agreement of $1,500,000.00 in the 2020-2021 budget to help with these expenses.
The Storm Water fund has revenue anticipated $71,000.00 with budgeted expenditures of $442,500.00, a $371,500.00 deficit to use City reserves to reduce the stormwater bond amounts in a timely manner.
The Parks Fund anticipated revenue is $275.00 with budgeted expenditures of $7,000.00, a deficit of $6,725.00 which is covered by the reserves in the park fund.
The 2021-22 budget represents a total yearly program of $3,271,725.00 in the General Fund, Street Department, Water Fund, Gas Fund, Sewer Fund, Storm Water Fund and Parks Fund.
This Budget is submitted with the intent to obtain a balanced pro-active municipal program for the year. It represents a well-planned initiative to improve the quality of services provided by the City of Oronogo for the Citizens of Oronogo. The Board of Alderman in conjunction with the department heads took careful considerations in completing this budget with the anticipated growth of the city with special considerations to the needs of our citizens including updating the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
Hinging on the budget approval was an ordinance setting employee wages. Most are receiving a 2% cost of living increase and in addition, some are receiving a merit increase.
New contracts were approved for building inspectors Ken Ansley and Joel Beck. Beck was added in March to help handle all of the new housing.
John Mueller’s appointment to the board of adjustment and planning and zoning boards was approve.
Wilkins reported that Schuber Mitchell Homes has trimmed the number of lots in the Hawthorn Hills subdivision by five in order to make all lots at least 50 feet wide.
Schuber Mitchell plans to build more than 500 homes in the planned urban development located north of Jason Place.
Wilkins said Planning and Zoning minutes reflect the stipulation that several under-size lots be addressed. Moreover, he said houses on lots less than 50 feet wide would be too close together, according to the fire code.
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