Bob Foos
There’s a new procedure for obtaining a lot split in Oronogo since the Board of Aldermen passed an ordinance to that effect Monday.
Under the old procedure, lot splits were handled solely by the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Under the new procedure, an application for a lot split will be reviewed by the public works superintendent, city engineer and city attorney before it is placed on the board’s agenda for a final decision.
Derek Snyder, city attorney, explained that issuing a lot split is “not discretionary.” It either abides by the city code or it doesn’t.
The board also agreed to make payments for recent work performed on the major sewer improvement project. G&G Construction will be paid $204,659, and Allgeier Martin and Associates will receive $2,685.
The sewer project, including two new lift stations on Ivy Road, is nearly complete. In fact, it is being operated on a trial basis.
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