This is the correct way to rake leaves for pickup by the city, assuming the water meter isn’t underneath.

Public works to begin leaf pickup program after Thanksgiving

Wondering what to do with your fallen leaves?

Rake them to the curb to be picked up by Webb City Public Works.

The city’s annual leaf pickup program will begin Monday, Nov. 27.

There are a few stipulations:

  • Don’t cover your water meter.

  • Rake your leaves TO the curb, not in it or the street. Piles of leaves clog the stormwater drainage system and violates EPA regulations.

  • Don’t mix limbs with leaves. Limbs won’t be picked up. You can take limbs to the limb yard at the city’s recycling center, 2100 N. Madison St.

  • Keep children from playing in the leaf piles because they could be hurt by unsuspecting motorists.