The owner seeks a special use permit to rent 927 W. Second St. as an Airbnb.
P&Z advances four requests to City Council
The Webb City Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday advanced a rezoning request and three special use permit requests to the Webb City Council.
Mike Jarvis, a former member of the P&Z, has changed his mind about how to use a portion of the property he owns on North Main Street. The 1.01 acre tract he wants to rezone is south of Wellspring Church.
He originally had the entire rezoned from agricultural to commercial for storage units. Now, he plans to build his house on part of it and is requesting R-1 (single-family) zoning.
The rest of the land in the same tract, 7.7 acres, will remain commercial.
Simpson Funeral Home is seeking a special use permit to operate a crematory on its property at 400 W. Daugherty St.
Austin Simpson said his family feels it can provide a higher level of care and quality if cremations are performed in-house instead of by a third party. He was asked if there are plans to do cremations for other companies, and he answered not at this time.
Permits will also be required from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the state Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors. He said there are no EPA requirements, noting that only water vapor is discharged and that is usually not visible.
Cremations, which require a minimum of three hours, would be performed during business hours.
City Attorney Troy Salchow said the special use permit would be permanent, as opposed to one that needs to be renewed every two years.
There was no opposition.
Aaron Arlington, of Seneca, wants the ability to rent a house he has owned for two years at 927 W. Second St. as an Airbnb.
He has been renting it for longer than 30 days, primarily to people waiting for their new home to be constructed.
City Administrator Carl Francis explained that long-term (30 days or longer) rentals don’t require a permit.
Francis noted that the City Council is formulating a better way to regulate Airbnbs, since they are “exploding.”
This the second Airbnb request to come before P&Z. The first, in Anderson Estates, was withdrawn as it became known that the home owners association in that neighborhood would not allow an Airbnb.
There was no opposition, and Francis said no one had called in to oppose the permit.
Contractor Steve Nelson is seeking a special use permit in order to use the old building at 120 S. Hall St. – that he recently bought by bid from the city – to store equipment.
The building happens to be zoned residential.
Nelson said he will put a chain-link fence along Hall and First streets and a privacy fence on the west side.
The four requests will now likely be placed on the City Council’s July 11 agenda.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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