R-7 Schools getting ready for Aug. 23 start of school
The Webb City R-7 School Board was updated Tuesday on preparations to resume classes a week from this coming Monday, on Aug. 23.
New teachers will be welcomed Friday. And crews are putting final touches on maintenance projects throughout the district.
Enrollment is totally online. Those who haven’t already registered should go to www.wcr7.org.
Traditional open houses at school buildings won’t be held for the second year in a row because of COVID-19 precautions. The renewed Cardinal Comeback Plan regarding such precautions can be read and downloaded here.
Kevin Cooper, associate superintendent for business operations, reported that the new softball field should be ready in time for the first home game on Aug. 30. While the turf field is under construction, the team is practicing on the baseball field. The amphitheater-style stands won’t be ready until a few weeks after the season starts.
A pond some may remember that was east of the softball field has caused some extra soil work prior to the construction of six tennis courts.
Cooper also reported that plumbers getting sick with COVID-19 has caused a delay in construction of the locker rooms at the swim center.
A delay in steel delivery is putting back the completion date of the archery/JROTC shooting range. Work is continuing, though, on the project, which is in back of the high school.
Two additional classrooms are taking priority at the junior high, where the former library space is also being converted to offices. Cooper highlighted the new sign that’s been put up on the east side of the junior high.
A motion was passed to purchase the property at 714 N. Madison St. for $95,000. It is across the street from the performing arts center at the high school. The plan is to demolish the house and put in a parking lot.
An closed session was held at the end of the meeting for the purpose of discussing real estate but no action was taken.
Teacher Jeff Cole asked for permission for Project Graduation to sell 50/50 pot tickets in the stands prior to the National Anthem during home football games. The board approved the request for one year. Supposing other groups would ask for something similar, the board reasoned that Project Graduation is different because it benefits every student finishing high school.
In other action, the board:
Hired five new teachers:
– Terry Smith, junior high counselor.
– Brookli Pollock, counselor at Mark Twain and Eugene Field elementary schools.
– Christopher Adam Cohen, high school business teacher.
– Leanna Lankford,* junior high communication arts/social studies.
– Michael Sapp,* middle school technology specialist.
*hired under the critical need provision, which allows a retired educator return full-time.
– To send home children only if lice are alive.
– To give kids an over-the-counter drug, such as an aspirin, with parental approval instead of approval by a doctor.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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