JROTC and archery team members join in on the ribbon cutting Tuesday at the recently completed firing range at Webb City High School.

Ribbon cut for high school firing range

A ribbon-cutting was held Tuesday for the latest addition to Webb City High School – the firing range for the JROTC rifle team and the archery team.

Superintendent Tony Rossetti noted it’s the same size as a basketball court and is one of the first of its kind in Missouri.

Jonathan Dawson and Dean Vandergriff, representing the Friends of NRA and NRA Foundation, contributed $40,000 toward the construction cost.

The firing range was one phase of a $2.5 million building project that also included the new tennis courts and locker rooms in the swim center. The firing range addition includes two classrooms. It is behind the original section of the high school.

School Board members toured the archery range and other high school improvements prior to their March 8 meeting.

Borrowing wasn’t necessary to pay for the construction projects because money was available in the district’s capital improvement fund. 

Lt. Col. (Ret.) Dustin Elder said he hopes to host the state rifle tournament here next year.

Archery coach Caleb Patrick said it’s an amazing facility. “We’re excited to use it.”