This is one of the concepts showing how the addition would connect the main building to the swim center with an enclosed corridor.

School Board asks voters to approve $11 million plan for high school addition

Science lab

Family and consumer science lab

Voters in the Webb City R-7 School District on April 5 will be asked whether $11 million in bonds should be issued to primarily expand the high school and build a turf practice field.

If approved, the bond issue won’t raise the debt service levy, but it will extend the number of years that it will have to be collected in order to pay off the existing loans and the new loan.

The School Board voted unanimously in January to place the issue on the ballot. Their proposal includes these projects:

• Construct an addition where the old tennis courts are.

Inside the addition would be:

– Two science labs with up-to-date equipment and a joint office.

– A family and consumer science lab with fully equipped culinary department.

– Virtual learning lab.

– Additional regular classrooms to accommodate the growing enrollment. More classroom space will also be freed up in the former science and family and consumer science classrooms.

– Restrooms and faculty lounge.

• Construct an enclosed corridor from the new addition to the Buck Miner Swim Center.

• Renovate Cardinal Theatre.

• Convert the soccer practice field behind the high school to an all-weather multi-purpose ADA compliant practice field. 

Uses would include physical education for high school and middle school students, band practice, athletics practice and junior high sports.

Click here for the the school district’s explanation of the bond issue.

Virtual learning lab

Cardinal Theatre renovation