Sentinel to publish annual citywide garage sale map

May 5,6,7, 2022, in Webb City, Carterville and Oronogo

• Place your Wise Buyer ad online

Ad required to be on the map

Even when the Sentinel and Wise Buyer were still in print, we were publishing an online map of citywide garage sales.

Ads for this year’s garage sale weekend will be published before the sales start on Thursday, and the map will be ready about the same time.

You can help by getting your ad to us by Monday, May 2. That’s not a hard deadline, but we need to get the bulk of the ads typed in then.

Actually, we’ll capture your keystrokes as best we can from the form you fill out listing your sale items and what times your sale will be.

Ads cost $5, the same as last year. Remember that your ad payment helps keep this nonprofit newspaper going.

Click here to start submitting your ad.