District finalists in individual events were: (CROUCHING) Chloe Ingle, McKenzie Jones. (STANDING) Lilly Shea, Henry Angér, Evan Garrison, Silas Drake and Keira McDonald. (Rees Massoth not pictured.) (ASSISTANT COACH NIKKI OWENS PHOTOS)
Speech and debate advances in state and national competitions
Eight Webb City High School students – more than ever before – have qualified for the National Catholic Forensic League National Speech and Debate Tournament.
“We are so proud of them,” says coach Tiffany Bolin.
The qualifiers are: (photo in front of the curtain) McKenzie Jones, oral interpretation; Anne Marie Wright, Lincoln Douglas debate; Lilly Shea, dramatic performance; Rees Massoth and Henry Angér, duo interpretation; Brett Thompson, Congress; Evan Garrison, extemporaneous speaking, and Silas Drake, oratorical declamation.
Rather than go to Minneapolis, Minn., to compete in person, they will compete online Memorial Day weekend.
Representing the WCHS speech and debate team in the recent MSHSAA district tournament were: Evan Garrison, Sophia Booher, Lilly Shea, Chloe Ingle, Jace Jones, McKenzie Jones, Bria Brattin and Silas Drake. Schools were limited to two teams and a single individual entry in each type of debate this year.
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