Drew Kloer is a champion when it comes to gathering support for the Crosslines Souper Bowl Sunday campaign. With him at Sacred Heart Catholic Church were his parents, Shaun and Lindsay Kloer, and sisters, Grace (15) and Olivia.

Super collector for Souper Sunday

The annual Souper Bowl Sunday campaign made Drew Kloer want to help lots of people who can’t afford food – and he did pretty well.

A fourth grader at Harry S Truman Elementary School, he reached out to his school and on social media for help and wound up with $200 in donations, with which he purchased 218 cans of soup.

Last week, Drew and his family were honored for the large number of cans he contributed at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

In fact, Drew, by his own initiative, brought in more than half of the church’s total 415 pounds of soup products that were delivered last week to Crosslines Ministries of Joplin.
