Two more new sirens to be ordered to alert Oronogo residents

Enough was spent on siren repairs last year that they could have bought a new one

Oronogo is now getting three new tornado sirens, not just one.

Presented with a bid of $8,987 to fix the two non-functioning sirens, the Oronogo Board of Aldermen Monday opted to buy two new ones. They’d decided on March 9 to buy a new one to reach the expanding north side of the city.

City Clerk Cyndi Jennings mentioned that the city spent $23,000 last year on siren repairs. The cost of the siren already approved is $23,291.

“We spent that much money on them last year,” said Darrell Orender (3rd Ward). “We just as well buy new ones.”

Tony Cantrell, superintendent of public works, pointed out the two new sirens could be installed just a soon as it would take to repair the outdated sirens.

The motion to authorize purchase of two new sirens passed unanimously.


Greystone II phase 1 – Only the the phase with the lots in bold are currently under construction.

Final plat of first phase of Greystone II approved

The final plat for the first 33 lots in the planned expansion of the Greystone subdivision was approved unanimously as an ordinance.

Schuber Mitchell Homes has purchased the second phase property and plans to eventually build 130 houses.

Construction of the infrastructure for the first 33 lots is underway, including a large detention pond for the entire addition.

A related ordinance was passed approving a $545,618 performance bond guaranteeing that Schuber Mitchell Homes will complete the subdivision.

A third ordinance stipulates that the Greystone Property Owners Association – not the city – is responsible for the future inspection and maintenance of the detention pond.

Cantrell was authorized by vote to spend $7,937 for supplies to have the city’s municipal natural gas system extended into Greystone II.

General fund account sits at $600,000

Mayor Tammy Talent proposed that the board a surplus in the general fund on projects.

She said she wanted to let citizens know the city has $600,000 in unrestricted funds that are available to spend on projects.

A proponent of park improvements, she mentioned the possibility of a splash pad. She also mentioned the need for an overdue update of the city’s comprehensive plan.

She cited a comment by KPM, the city’s auditing firm, dating back to 2017, that it’s not normal for cities with similar operating expenses to hold so much cash in reserve.

According to the treasurer’s report, the city has $1,317,137 in its checking account. Of that, $180,245 is in the general fund.

A $1,158,625 money market account includes $508,335 in the general fund.

In other action, the board:

  • Approved an engineering services contracts with Allgeier Martin and Associates to:

– Design the relocation of a sewer main from the northeast portion of the city that flows to one of two lift sations on Ivy Road. (Not to exceed $91,500.)

– To develop and help operate a stormwater management plan to satisfy state requirements. (Not to exceed $16,000, including $8,000 for on-call services.)

  • Approved a fence variance request by Emily Moses, 101 S. Greystone Square for the safety of her children.
  • Authorized a new website be set up at a cost of $1,168 per year. The board will review the website prior to it going live. Rick Seeley (1st Ward) said the current website is not operational. A major complaint is that it’s impossible to post notices or update it.