Water trapping roof above Oronogo City Hall replaced
The job of reroofing Oronogo City Hall is expected to be completed this week.
Mayor Charles Wilkins reported that tearing off the old roof revealed a lot of water trapped between layers. It smelled pretty bad, he said.
Romesburg Construction, the contractor with a bid of $33,779, is also replacing the decorative mansard roof.
City Clerk Cyndi Jennings reported a “ridiculous” natural gas cost being passed on to customers this month. At $10.25 per dekatherm, she said this is the “highest we have ever had to bill.”
The municipal natural gas system is in the process of being sold to Spire, which passes on the price of gas less frequently.
Tony Cantrell, superintendent of public works, reported that water usage is high because the drought is causing customers to water their lawns and gardens more. He said the average monthly household use now is 5,000 gallons, with some more than 70,000 gallons.
His crew has trimmed, mulched and picked up 12 large loads of tree limbs and brush that have blocked signs, alleys and line of sight at intersections.
Police Chief Steven Weaver reported that three of his officers, Michael Weston, Derrick Richards and Hollis Cady, recently attended a hands-on active shooter training session at Jasper High School.
In other action, the board:
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