Discussing how they would build a business are students Kisa Rabel, Webb City; Tensley West, Melanie Porter and Paige Porter, all from Neosho.

WCHS hosts its first FBLA Business Bash

Bob Foos

Webb City High School was host to a Business Bash Wednesday morning for area students to explore businesses and take part in business-related activities .

Emma Hudson, president of the FBLA, said the idea came about when she and other FBLA members were trying to plan a field trip to a number of businesses. They ultimately decided, “Why not bring them to us.”

In November, she obtained permission from the School Board to hold the event and invite FBLA chapters from other schools.

Businesses were invited to “talk to us about how they got started.”

Her hope for the students was that they would discover a career opportunity they may not have thought of.”

Hudson will be graduating in May, but says she hopes she’s started an event that will continue and grow.

Emma Hudson, Webb City FBLA president
Neosho FBLA members discuss the solution to marketing problems with their adviser, Amanda Stewart (right).
Webb City Assistant Superintendent Allison Pope (center) sits in on a "Get to know each other" activity.