Carterville City Administrator Will Cline was among a long list of people recognized for helping out when the city went through its water crisis in February. Mayor Alan Griffin handed out the certificates of appreciation Tuesday at the beginning of this month’s City Council meeting. Cline put in 169 hours.
Webb City Mayor Lynn Ragsdale accepted a certificate on bahalf of Webb City public works employees who helped Carterville.
Webb City citywide garage sale set for April 29-May 1
Resumption of the annual citywide garage sale is a big deal in Webb City, which was recognized Monday by the City Council.
There was no citywide garage sale last year because of the pandemic.
The Webb City Area Chamber of Commerce traditionally asks the council to waive the city’s fees for garage sales during the citywide garage sale.
This year’s garage sale weekend will be April 29, 30 and May 1.
The council took the formality a step further by making the waiver perpetual so that the chamber won’t have to request it every year.
In other action:
An ordinance aligning Sunday liquor sales with state regulations was approved by a 6-2 vote. The only change is that stores will be allowed to sell liquor after 9 a.m. instead of waiting until 11 a.m. Mayor Lynn Ragsdale said retailers have been asking for the city and state regulations to match. Voting yes were Ray Edwards and Andy Queen (1st Ward), Gina Monson and Alisa Barroeta (2nd Ward), Jonathan Shull (3rd Ward) and Debbie Darby (4th Ward). Jerry Fisher (3rd Ward) and Jim Dawson (4th Ward) voted no.
Mayor Lynn Ragsdale used his opening message to “boast” about Webb City’s attitude of willingness to help other cities, as it did when Carterville was without water. He also praised the expertise demonstrated by the public works department during Carterville’s crisis.
City Administrator Carl Francis reported the contractor for the Stadium Drive sidewalk west of Madison Street has been given notice to proceed. The completion deadline is May 31.
Francis also reported “a little excitedment” at city hall the morning of Wednesday, March 3. The public works crew working on the new parking lot south of city hall hit a gas line that had been marked as inactive, “but it certainly was active.” No one was injured and the gas company fixed the line.
In addition to being cautious of predicted thunderstorms this week, John Jimenez told the Webb City Council Monday that he and his neighbors on Golf Road are worried about backed up sewers.
He said it cost $40,000 to repair damage at his house at 230 Golf Road in May 2019 after heavy rains caused sewage to flood the interior.
He’s since installed backflow valves at his home and for his neighbors. They came in handy in May 2020 when storm water infiltrated sewer lines.
There are two manholes in the area that he says are known as fountains because of the storm water spouting from them. When that he happens, Jimenez said he and his neighbors know they won’t be able to flush their toilets until after the storm water subsides.
Jimenez said he appeared before the council to call attention to the problem.
In fact, City Administrator Carl Francis said the city has been aware of the problem and spent $350,000 on that sewer basin last year.
Unfortunately, he said the problem won’t go away because the houses on that portion of Golf Road are in a low area.
He admitted the sewer line should keep out storm water but that’s not the reality.
After the meeting, William Runkle, director of wastewater utilities, discussed the situation with Jimenez.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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