The Frisco Trail extension is to begin at Crow Street beside the Housing Authority fence and continue north behind Webb City Middle School to Stadium Drive. It will be an 8-foot-wide concrete sidewalk along this stretch.
A grant application for extension of the Frisco Greenway Trail through Webb City received the unanimous endorsement Monday from the Webb City Council.
The Joplin Trails Coalition is applying for a $300,000 grant to build an 8-foot concrete sidewalk from Crow Street to Stadium Drive and then a gravel trail following the railway easement to the wetlands at North Madison Street and Hawthorne Drive.
City Administrator Carl Francis said it’s the same grant source the city has used to construct its three sidewalk projects, the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program.
The city is only providing written support – not financial – in the form of a resolution. It will be up to the coalition to raise $100,000 to match the grant if it is approved.
Mayor Lynn Ragsdale said the project would benefit the city greatly.
Four items advanced last week by the Planning and Zoning Commission were accepted as council bills on first reading.
A special use permit application by Terry Quarles to use a barn at 1169 1/2 Prairie Flower Road for family-friendly entertainment (axe throwing) received a 6-1 vote.
Jonathan Shull (3rd Ward) said he would vote against it because the area is now predominantly is single-family residential.
“It’s not about the axe-throwing business,” he said. “I think it’s kinda cool. I’m just concerned this isn’t the right area.” He added that he has been called by neighbors opposed to the proposal.
One neighbor appeared at the public hearing last ween to oppose the permit, but Ragsdale said he has seen an email since then stating the neighbor no longer opposes the project.
There was no opposition to the three other council bills for:
The renewal of a special use permit for Lavonna Preble to continue operating Reflexology and More at 406 N. Webb St.
The renewal of a special use permit for Mark and Cheryl Johnson to continue operating C&M Machining at 905 W. Broadway.
Tom Reeder request to vacate 62 feet of an unused alley behind 421 W. Hall St., under the condition that he remove the sewer line and any other utilities. Reeder hopes to open up the area for frontage development on the north side of Highway 171.
Second (final) readings of the bills will be at the council’s next meeting on Feb. 8.
In other action, the council:
Allowed the police department to apply for a grant from MoDOT to pay 50% of costs for special enforcement of driving while intoxicated, speed and hazardous moving violation laws. Over the past 16 years, the department has received $457,156 in such grants.
Approved hiring a firm to grind compost at the Center Creek 201 Wastewater Treatment Plant, not to exceed $35,000.
The meeting ended with the council going into closed session to discuss more real estate deals in the Centennial Retail and Industrial Park.
Austin Fohey is welcomed to the Webb City Police Department by Chief Don Melton.
Austin Fohey officially joined the Webb City Police Department Monday during a pinning ceremony at the start of the Webb City Council meeting.
Police Chief Don Melton introduced Fohey to the council and the audience.
Fohey, from Joplin, graduated from the Missouri Southern State University Police Academy in 2012 and most recently was an officer with the Oronogo Police Department.
He was pinned by his wife, Brandy, with their four children and other family members in attendance.
The Webb City Sentinel isn’t a newspaper – but it used to be, serving Webb City, Missouri, in print from 1879-2020. This “newspaper” seeks to carry on that tradition as a nonprofit corporation.
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